C Map Marine Charts

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CompatibilityLowrance Embedded ChartsLowrance, B&G, SimradFuruno, Raymarine, many more
Full Featured Vector Charts
High-Resolution Bathymetry
Genesis Data
Custom Depth Shading
Subscription-Free Easy Routing™*
Tides & Currents
Detailed Marina Port Plans
Marine Protected Areas*
12 Months' Free Online Updates
C-MAP Survey Lake Data
Raster Charts
Aerial Photos*
Satellite Imagery*
Shaded Relief - Standard
Shaded Relief - 3D

* Available on selected areas
^ Off shore only
~ Not available w/ size: Continental
REVEAL charts not compatible with Lowrance HOOK², HOOK Reveal, Simrad Cruise


Here is the list of Pacific Coast - Vancouver Island East & West - Haida Gwaii marine charts and fishing maps available on iBoating : Canada Marine & Fishing App. Marine charts app now supports multiple plaforms including Android, iPhone/iPad, MacBook, and Windows/PC based chartplotter. The Marine Navigation App provides advanced features of a Marine Chartplotter including adjusting water level offset and custom depth shading. Fishing spots and depth contours layers are available in most Lake maps. Nautical navigation features include advanced instrumentation to gather wind speed direction, water temperature, water depth, and accurate GPS with AIS receivers(using NMEA over TCP/UDP). Autopilot support can be enabled during ‘Goto WayPoint’ and ‘Route Assistance’. If marine chart / fishing map you are looking for is not listed in correct folio, please let us know.

Nautical Chart TitleScale
Active Pass1:6000
Alberni Inlet1:20000
Alert Bay1:10000
Alexandra Narrows1:10000
Alice Arm1:12500
Alliford Bay1:5000
Allison Harbour1:10000
Approaches toApproches a Campbell River1:5000
Approaches toApproches a Douglas Channel1:20000
Approaches toApproches a Juan de Fuca Strait1:75000
Approaches toApproches a Nanoose Harbour1:7500
Approaches toApproches a Oak Bay1:5000
Approaches toApproches a Portland Inlet (Eastern Portion, Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Approaches toApproches a Portland Inlet (Western Portion, Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Approaches toApproches a Prince Rupert Harbour1:20000
Approaches toApproches a Seymour Inlet andet Belize Inlet1:40000
Approaches toApproches a Sidney1:10000
Approaches toApproches a Skidegate Inlet1:20000
Approaches toApproches a Toba Inlet1:20000
Approaches toApproches a Winter Harbour1:7500
Approaches to/Approches xE0 Vancouver Harbour1:6000
Approaches to Smith Sound and Rivers Inlet (Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Atli Inlet toa Selwyn Inlet (North Portion, Part 2 of 2)1:18750
Atli Inlet toa Selwyn Inlet (South Portion, Part 1 of 2)1:18750
Barkley Sound (Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Barkley Sound (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Baynes Sound1:20000
Bedwell Harbour toa Georgeson Passage1:7500
Bella Bella1:5000
Bella Coola1:2500
Blunden Harbour1:7500
Bonilla Island to/a Edye Passage part 1 of 41:40000
Bonilla Island to/xE0 Edye Passage Part 2 of 41:40000
Bonilla Island to/xE0 Edye Passage part 3 of 41:40000
Bonilla Island to/xE0 Edye Passage part 4 of 41:40000
Borrowman Bay1:6000
Broken Group1:10000
Broken Group1:10000
Brooks Bay1:19159
Broughton Strait (Part 1 of 2)1:40000
Broughton Strait (Part 2 of 2)1:40000
Browning Entrance Part 1 of 21:20000
Browning Entrance (part 2 of 2)1:20000
Brundige Inlet1:5000
Bull Harbour1:10000
Bute Inlet, Stuart Island toa Hovel Bay1:20000
Caamaño toà Whale Channel (part 1 of 2)1:20000
Caamaño toà Whale Channel (part 2 of 2)1:20000
CaamaxF1o Sound and Approaches/et les approches (Part 1)1:40000
CaamaxF1o Sound and Approaches/et les approches (Part 2)1:40000
CaamaxF1o to/xE0 Nepean Sound1:20000
Cape Scott to Cape Calvert1:37245
Cape St. James toà Cumshewa Inlet andet Tasu Sound (part 1 of 2)1:75000
Cape St. James toà Cumshewa Inlet andet Tasu Sound (part 2 of 2)1:75000
Cape St. James toà Houston Stewart Channel1:20000
Captain Cove1:10000
Carpenter Bay toa Burnaby Island1:18750
Carpenter Bay toa Burnaby Island (Eastern Portion, Part 2 of 2)1:18750
Catala Passage1:10000
Channels Vicinity ofchenaux proximité de Milbanke Sound (Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Chapple Inlet1:9000
Checleset Bay1:18247
Chemainus Bay1:6000
Clifford Bay1:10000
Coal Harbour1:3000
Coghlan Anchorage1:10000
Comox Harbour1:7500
Continuation A - 1:20000
Continuation A - Cooper Reach1:40000
Cordero Channel1:20000
Cortes Bay1:5000
Darby Channel1:7500
Dean Channel, Burke Channel andet Bentinck Arms (part 1 of 2)1:40000
Dent andet Yuculta Rapids1:10000
Desolation Sound andet Sutil Channel1:20000
Discovery Passage1:20000
Dixon Entrance, Eastern PortionPartie Est1:100000
Dixon Entrance, Western PortionPartie Ouest1:100000
Dodd Narrows toa Flat Top Islands1:9000
Douglas Channel1:40000
Douglas Channel1:40000
Douglas Channel - Central PortionPartie Centrale1:20000
Draney Narrows1:10000
Duke Point1:2000
East Narrows and/et West Narrows1:5000
Entrance toEntree A Fair Harbour1:5000
Entrance toentree a Mathieson Channel1:10000
Entrance toEntree a Useless Inlet1:5000
Esperanza Inlet (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Esperanza Inlet (Western Portion, Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Esquimalt Harbour1:2500
Fairview Container Terminal1:2000
False Bay1:6000
Fatty Basin1:3750
Finlayson Channel andet Tolmie Channel1:20000
Fish Egg Inlet1:10000
Fisher Channel toa Seaforth Channel andet Dean Channel1:20000
Fishermans Cove1:1500
Fitz Hugh Channel to Lama Passage1:20000
Fraser Reach1:20000
Fraser RiverFleuve Fraser, Sand Heads toa Douglas Island AB1:10000
Fraser RiverFleuve Fraser, Strait of Georgia toa Mitchell Island1:10000
Fulford Harbour1:7500
Ganges Harbour andet Long Harbour1:10000
Gardner Canal1:20000
Gillen Harbour1:6000
Gold River1:5000
Graham Reach1:20000
Greene Point Rapids1:10000
Grenville Channel Compartment A-B1:20000
Grenville Channel Compartment B-C1:20000
Grenville Channel toa Chatham Sound1:20000
Griffith Harbour1:7500
Gunboat Passage1:6000
Hakai Passage to Fitz Hugh Sound (Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Hakai Passage to Fitz Hugh Sound (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Halibut Bank toà Ballenas Channel1:15000
Haro Strait, Boundary Pass andet Satellite Channel1:20000
Havannah Channel andet Chatham Channel1:10000
Hayden Passage1:10000
Head of Tlupana Inlet1:20000
Hevenor Inlet1:20000
Hiekish Narrows1:9000
Higgins Passage1:10000
Horseshoe Bay1:4000
Hot Springs Cove1:10000
Houston Stewart Channel1:10000
Howe Sound1:20000
Hudson Bay Passage (Eastern Portion, Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Hudson Bay Passage (Western Portion, Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Hunt Inlet1:5000
Indian Arm - Continuation A1:15000
Inlets inEntree en Campania Islands1:10000
Inlets inEntree en Laredo Channel1:9000
Jackson Narrows1:6000
Jervis Inlet1:25000
Johnstone Strait, Port Neville toa Robson Bight (Part 2 of 2)1:40000
Johnstone Strait, Race Passage andet Current Passage1:12500
Juan de Fuca Strait toa Dixon Entrance1:625000
Juan de Fuca Strait toa Strait of Georgia (Eastern Portion, Part 2 of 2)1:80000
Juan de Fuca Strait toa Strait of Georgia (Western Portion, Part 1 of 2)1:40000
Juan Perez Sound1:18750
Kemano Bay1:6000
Kenneth Passage1:10000
Kent Inlet1:10000
Kingkown Inlet1:9000
Kitimat Harbour1:7500
Kitkatla Channel andet Ogden Channel1:20000
Kitkatla Channel andet Porcher Inlet (part 2 of 2)1:20000
Klemtu Passage toa Tolmie Channel1:10000
Knight Inlet1:40000
Kyuquot Sound (Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Kyuquot Sound (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Ladysmith Harbour1:6000
Langley Passage - Estevan Group1:6000
Laredo Channel, Laredo Inlet andet Surf Inlet (part 1 of 2)1:20000
Laredo Channel, Laredo Inlet andet Surf Inlet (part 2 of 2)1:20000
Laredo Sound1:20000
Laredo Sound Part 21:20000
Lasqueti Island1:15000
Lax Kw'alaams1:1250
Malacca Passage toa Bell Passage (Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Malacca Passage toa Bell Passage (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Malaspina Inlet, Okeover Inlet andet Lancelot Inlet1:6000
Malibu Rapids1:6000
Mannion Bay andet Snug Cove1:4000
Marktosis (Matilda Inlet)1:5000
Masset Harbour andet Naden Harbour1:20000
Mathieson Channel Nothern PortionPartie Nord1:20000
Meyers Narrows1:6000
Millar Channel toa Estevan Point (Part 1 of 2 Western half)1:20000
Millar Channel toa Estevan Point (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Montague Harbour1:9000
Muchalet Inlet1:20000
Namu Harbour1:10000
Nanaimo Harbour andet Departure Bay1:5000
Nass Bay1:20000
Nelson Narrows1:5000
Neroutsos Inlet1:7500
Newcombe Harbour1:10000
Nitinat Narrows1:1000
Nitinat Narrows toa Nitinat Lake1:6000
Nootka Sound (Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Nootka Sound (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Nootka Sound toa Quatsino Sound1:75000
Nootka Sound toà Quatsino Sound (part 2 of 2)1:75000
North Pender Island toa Thetis Island1:20000
Nowish Cove1:10000
Ocean Falls1:7500
Ogden Point1:2000
Okisollo Channel1:10000
Osborn Bay1:7500
Pender Harbour1:6000
Porlier Pass1:6000
Port Alberni1:6000
Port Alice1:750
Port Hardy1:7500
Portland Canal andet Observatory Inlet1:40000
Portland Inlet, Khutzeymateen Inlet andet Pearse Canal1:20000
Port McNeil1:10000
Port Mellon1:2500
Port Neville1:10000
Port San Juan1:9000
Powell River andet Westview1:5000
Prideaux Haven1:3000
Prince Rupert Harbour1:10000
Prince Rupert Harbour (part 2 of 2)1:10000
Princesa Channel1:5000
Principe Channel Central PortionPartie Centrale andet Petrel Channel1:20000
Principe Channel Southern PortionPartie Sud (part 1 of 2)1:20000
Principe Channel Southern PortionPartie Sud (part 2 of 2)1:20000
Principe Channel to/xE0 Douglas Channel (Part 1)1:40000
Principe Channel to/xE0 Douglas Channel (Part 2)1:40000
Qlawdzeet Anchorage1:5000
Quatsino Narrows1:6000
Quatsino Sound1:25000
Quatsino Sound toa Queen Charlotte Strait1:75000
Queen Charlotte1:5000
Queen Charlotte Sound1:182550
Queen Charlotte Sound (part 1 of 2)1:182550
Queen Charlotte Sound toa Dixon Entrance1:262500
Queen Charlotte Strait, Central PortionPartie Centrale1:40000
Queen Charlotte Strait Eastern PortionPartie Est (Part 1 of 2)1:40000
Queen Charlotte Strait Eastern PortionPartie Est (Part 2 of 2)1:40000
Queen Charlotte Strait Western PortionPartie Ouest (Part 1 of 2)1:40000
Queen Charlotte Strait Western PortionPartie Ouest (Part 2 of 2)1:40000
Queens Sound and Approacheset les approches (Part 1 of 3)1:20000
Queens Sound and Approacheset les approches (Part 2 of 3)1:20000
Queens Sound and Approacheset les approches (Part 3 of 3)1:20000
Queens Sound toa Seaforth Channel (part 1 of 3)1:20000
Queens Sound toa Seaforth Channel (part 2 of 3)1:20000
Queens Sound toa Seaforth Channel (part 3 of 3)1:20000
Quottoon Narrows1:10000
Race Rocks toa D'Arcy Island1:20000
Refuge Bay1:5000
Refuge Cove1:6000
Rivers Inlet1:20000
Robbers Passage1:5000
Roberts Bank1:10000
Roscoe Bay1:5000
Sansum Narrows1:10000
Scouler Entrance1:5000
Sechelt Rapids1:10000
Secret Cove andet Smuggler Cove1:5000
Selwyn Inlet toa Lawn Point (Northern Portion, Part 1 of 2)1:36513
Selwyn Inlet toa Lawn Point (Southern Portion, Part 2 of 2)1:36513
Seymour Inlet andet Belize Inlet1:25000
Seymour Narrows1:10000
Shoal Channel1:6000
Simoom Sound1:10000
Skidegate Channel1:20000
Smith Inlet, Boswell Inlet andet Draney Inlet1:20000
Smith Sound andet Rivers Inlet Southern Portion (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Sooke Inlet toa Parry Bay1:10000
Special Operations Chart, DND Jetty, Manor Pt1:500
Spiller Channel andet Roscoe Inlet1:20000
Squamish Harbour1:5000
Squirrel Cove1:6000
Stewart - World Port and/et Bulk Terminal1:2000
Strait of Georgia, Central PortionPartie Centrale (Part 1 of 2)1:40000
Strait of Georgia, Central PortionPartie Centrale (Part 2 of 2)1:40000
Strait of Georgia, Northern PortionPartie Nord1:40000
Strait of Georgia, Southern PortionPartie Sud1:40000
Stuart Narrows1:10000
Sturt Bay andet Vananda Cove1:4000
Telegraph Harbour andet Preedy Harbour1:7500
Tenedos Bay1:4000
Thetis Island toa Nanaimo1:20000
Tofino Inlet toa Millar Channel (Part 1 of 2)1:20000
Tofino Inlet toa Millar Channel (Part 2 of 2)1:20000
Trail Bay1:2500
Troup Narrows1:3000
Tsowwin Narrows1:2500
Tuck Inlet1:10000
Uchucklesit Inlet1:9000
Ucluelet Inlet1:7500
Ucluelet Inlet toa Nootka Sound1:75000
Union Passage1:10000
Vancouver Harbour, Central PortionPartie Centrale1:5000
Vancouver Harbour, Eastern PortionPartie Est1:5000
Vancouver Harbour, Western PortionPartie Ouest1:5000
Vancouver IslandIle de Vancouver, Juan de Fuca Strait toa Queen Charlotte Soun1:262500
Victoria Harbour1:2500
Walsh Cove1:4000
Weeteeam Bay1:6000
Welcome Bay1:2500
Welcome Harbour1:7500
Welcome Passage1:12500
Work Channel A-B1:20000
Work Channel B-C1:20000

Pacific Coast - Vancouver Island East & West - Haida Gwaii: Nautical Charts App

C-MAP’s Wide and Local charts are the most complete mapping experience for avid salt water anglers. The best fish-finding features are packed into these charts, including: high resolution bathymetry, genesis layer, custom depth shading, 3D views and satellite imagery. Available in two sizes: Wide and Local, which both sport the same accurate. Here is the list of Pacific Coast - Vancouver Island East & West - Haida Gwaii marine charts and fishing maps available on iBoating: Canada Marine & Fishing App.Marine charts app now supports multiple plaforms including Android, iPhone/iPad, MacBook, and Windows/PC based chartplotter.

Bahamas Marine Charts

The C-MAP app provides high-quality nautical maps along with navigation, traffic and weather information to help you plan your next trip on the water. Our downloadable offline charts help you stay safe while cruising, fishing or sailing, so you can enjoy a stress-free time. Tailor your maps: Save routes, waypoints and tracks, all accessible when offline. You can also include reviews. Be the first to receive the latest news and product updates. C-MAP Marine Cartography Packed with features that enhance any boating lifestyle, C-MAP's range of charts include Dynamic Raster Charts, High-Resolution Bathymetric Charts, Tides and Currents and Custom Depth Shading, with worldwide coverage. C-MAP charts are available in a number of areas of coverage.