Add Dmg To Iis Mime Type

  1. Add Aspx Mime To Iis
  2. Mime Type Php Iis
  3. Iso Mime Type Iis
  4. Asp Mime Type

Adding Media MIME Types to ISS


MIME type detection, or 'data sniffing,' refers to the process of determining an appropriate MIME type from binary data. The final result depends on a combination of server-supplied MIME type headers, file extension, and/or the data itself. Usually, only the first 256 bytes of data are significant. Defining a new MIME type. Despite all the help IIS provides, you may eventually need to add a MIME type to the list. Make sure to use a valid MIME type for the file extension or else users of your Web site will experience problems. Use these steps to add a new MIME type: Select the connection you want to use in the Connections pane.

Add Dmg To Iis Mime Type

MIME type in IIS


MIME types in IIS are used to define and allow a specific file type to be served out by IIS. Usually this is used with new media files types, such as FLV, MP4, and etc.

Diagnosing the issue

If the course works fine in a locally published HTML setting and when the course is published to CourseMill the media is missing, says it’s not on the server, or it says unable to connect. This means adding a MIME type might help.

For IIS 7.0 and 7.5 1.
  1. Open IIS Manager and click on your server level settings.

  2. In Features View, double-click MIME Types.

  3. In the Actions pane, click Add.

  4. In the Add MIME Type dialog box, type a file name extension in the File name extension text box. For example, type .mp4.

  5. Type a MIME type in the MIME type text box. For example, type application/octet-stream.

  6. Click OK.

For IIS 6.0
  1. In IIS Manager, right-click the local computer, and click Properties.

  2. Click the MIME Types button.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the Extension box, type the file name extension.

  5. In the MIME type box, type a description that exactly matches the file type defined on the computer.

  6. Click OK.

Common MIME Types

File TypeMIME Type
ai application/postscript
aif audio/x-aiff
aifc audio/x-aiff
aiff audio/x-aiff
asc text/plain
atom application/atom+xml
avi video/x-msvideo
bcpio application/x-bcpio
bin application/octet-stream
bmp image/bmp
cdf application/x-netcdf
cgm image/cgm
class application/octet-stream
cpio application/x-cpio
cpt application/mac-compactpro
csh application/x-csh
css text/css
dcr application/x-director
dif video/x-dv
dir application/x-director
djv image/vnd
.djvu djvu image/vnd.djvu
dll application/octet-stream
dmg application/octet-stream
dms application/octet-stream
doc application/msword
dtd application/xml-dtd
dvi application/x-dvi
dxr application/x-director
eps application/postscript
etx text/x-setext
exe application/octet-stream
ez application/andrew-inset
gif image/gif gram application/srgs
grxml application/srgs+xml
gtar application/x-gtar
hdf application/x-hdf
hqx application/mac-binhex40
htm text/html
html text/html
ice x-conference/x-cooltalk
ico image/x-icon
ics text/calendar
ief image/ief
ifb text/calendar
iges model/iges
igs model/iges
jnlp application/x-java-jnlp-file
jp2 image/jp2
jpe image/jpeg
jpeg image/jpeg
image/jpegx image/jpeg
js application/x-javascript
kar audio/midi
latex application/x-latex
lha application/octet-stream
m4a audio/mp4a-latm
m4b audio/mp4a-latm
m4p audio/mp4a-latm
m4u video/vnd.mpegurl
m4v video/x-m4v
mac image/x-macpaint
man application/x-troff-man
mathml application/mathml+xml
me application/x-troff-me
midi audio/midi
mif application/vnd.mif
mov video/quicktime
movie video/x-sgi-movie
mp2 audio/mpeg
mp3 audio/mpeg
mp4 video/mp4
mpe video/mpeg
mpeg video/mpeg
mpg video/mpeg
mpga audio/mpeg
ms application/x-troff-ms
msh model/mesh
mxu video/vnd.mpegurl
nc application/x-netcdf
oda application/oda
ogg application/ogg
pbm image/x-portable-bitmap
pct image/pict
pdb chemical/x-pdb
pdf application/pdf
pgm image/x-portable-graymap
pgn application/x-chess-pgn
pic image/pict
pict image/pict
png image/png
pnm image/x-portable-anymap
pnt image/x-macpaint
pntg image/x-macpaint
ppm image/x-portable-pixmap
ppt application/
ps application/postscript
qt video/quicktime
qti image/x-quicktime
qtif image/x-quicktime
ra audio/x-pn-realaudio
ram audio/x-pn-realaudio
ras image/x-cmu-raster
rdf application/rdf+xml
rgb image/x-rgb
rm application/vnd.rn-realmedia
roff application/x-troff
rtf text/rtf
rtx text/richtext
sgm text/sgml
sgml text/sgml
sh application/x-sh
shar application/x-shar
silo model/mesh
sit application/x-stuffit
skd application/x-koan
skm application/x-koan
skt application/x-koan
smi application/smil
smil application/smil
so application/octet-stream
spl application/x-futuresplash
sv4crc application/x-sv4crc
swf application/x-shockwave-flash
t application/x-troff
tar application/x-tar
tcl application/x-tcl
texi application/x-texinfo
texinfo application/x-texinfo
tif image/tiff
tiff image/tiff
tr application/x-troff
tsv text/tab-separated-values
txt text/plain
ustar application/x-ustar
vcd application/x-cdlink
vrml model/vrml
vxml application/voicexml+xml
wav audio/x-wav
wbmp image/vnd.wap.wbmp
wbmxl application/vnd.wap
wbxmlwml text/vnd.wap.wml
wmlc application/vnd.wap.wmlc
wmls text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
wmlsc application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc
wrl model/vrml
xbm image/x-xbitmap
xht application/xhtml+xml
xls application/
xml application/xml
xpm image/x-xpixmap
xsl application/xml
xslt application/xslt+xml
xul application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml
xwd image/x-xwindowdump
xyz chemical/x-xyz


By default IIS 7.0 is not configured for WCF services, we are going to configure IIS 7.0 to run WCF services i will break up the whole procedure in steps.

  1. Installing IIS addons
  2. Add MIME Type
  3. Add Handler Mapping

Installing IIS addons

Go to Control Panel –> Programs –> Turn windows feature on or off . wait for a list to compile here in Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 section check both “window communication foundation HTTP Activation” and “window communication foundation Non-HTTP Activation” addons further at section Internet Information Services check all the addons under “Web Management Tools” this is to directly publish WCF from Visual Studio, now press ok wait a while for installation to get completed.

Add MIME Type

At IIS control panel double click on the MIME Types applet. On the Actions menu, click on the Add menu item. A window pops up, enter the following information:

File name extension: .svc
MIME type: application/octet-stream

Add Aspx Mime To Iis


Add Handler Mapping

Mime Type Php Iis

Click again on the Default Web Site node on the left side, then double click on the Handler Mappings applet icon on the right side. On the Actions menu, click on the Add Managed Handler. A window pops up, enter the following information:

Request path: *.svc
Type: System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpHandler
Name: svc-Integrated

IIS is configured for WCF service now we have to deploy a service.

Iso Mime Type Iis

Now to deploy service Open Visual Studio as Administrator right click on Service project file and click to Publish, Now in newly opened Dialogue Box select Default Application and click the button Create New Web Application name it accordingly and Click Open, if u go through the article properly now Visual Studio should Publish your Service over internet.

Asp Mime Type


Note: Make sure windows Firewall have an exception for Secure World Wide Web Service(HTTPS), Windows Communication Foundation and World Wide Web Service(HTTP).