Arthur Miller The Price Summary


February 8, 1968

Theater: Arthur Miller's 'The Price'

Get this from a library! The price: a play. Arthur Miller - The confrontation between two brothers, brought together after many years by the need to dispose of their parent's property, leads to a re-examination and re-evaluation of attitudes. In Arthur Miller's 1968 play, The Price, the characters are two bereft sons, Walter (a surgeon) and Victor (a police officer), who are selling their late father's furniture to one Solomon, who is a.


Generally speaking, the reaction of a first-night audience to a Broadway play is as predictable as a wedding service-it always says 'I do'-and therefore is irrelevant to report. Yet at the Morosco Theater last night the cheers for Arthur Miller's new play 'The Price' seemed more than an idle tribute. Behind them was the sincerity of an audience that had been deeply moved.

At is own level of psychological problem drama it is indeed afar better than average example of the genre. It is a play that will give a great deal of pleasure to many people and deserves a long and profitable run. But regrettably-or so it seems to me-the author of 'Death of a Salesman' is still waiting in the wings, unfulfilled.

Arthur Miller The Price Summary Pdf

'The Price' of the title is the legacy of the past. As with Ibsen, the classic playwright whom Mr. Miller has most in common, the past is dotted with choices, and the results of these choices govern the present. 'You have to make decisions,' as one of the characters says here, 'and you never know what's what until it's too late.' Miller's plays so often have characters poised painfully, if metaphorically, between a plaintive 'Ah but!' and a poignant 'If only then!'

'The Price' is one of the most engrossing and entertaining plays that Miller has ever written. It is superbly, even flamboyantly, theatrical, running without an intermission, complying with the classic unities of time, place and action, and Miller holds the interest with the skill of a born story-teller. But, of course, the story itself is over.

It is typical of Miller's approach here that nothing does, and nothing possibly could, happen in 'The Price.' The action has ended before the play starts, and we the audience have been brought here to listen to the explanations, to comprehend how these men by the choices of their youth have come to be what they are.

The play takes place in the attic of a once prosperous Manhattan brownstone, soon to be pulled down in the cause of architectural progress and financial stability. The attic is piled high with good, if shabby furniture and the knick-knacks of a past age. An old radio, a console gramophone, a pile of dusty records-the junk of a lifetime is spread out, naked, as if were, in the cold table of time.

A police sergeant enters and looks round the room with a mixture of affection and concern. He strokes an old harp, he tries the Victrola, and the late afternoon stillness is broken with the scratchy tones of Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean still asking the well-honed questions of yesteryear. 'Now Mr. Gallagher, now Mr. Gallagher, will you tell me what that question really means, I just wanted to find out..' The cop stops the record. We, too, are beginning to want to find out, and we are all in for a lot of questions.


Miller goes about his business dexterously. The cop's wife enters, and deftly, in a few minutes of dialogue, the whole play is set up. The cop is a failure-a guy who didn't finish college because he chose, yes, chose, to support his father, a casualty of the Depression.

His brother, who refused to help beyond contributing five dollars a month, has gone on to become a rich and famous surgeon. The two brothers have not met for 16 years. Now the cop has asked the surgeon to come along to help dispose of their father's furniture, long mouldering in the attic.

Now Miller plays a shrewd, well-judged card. We are instinctively waiting for the monster brother, but along comes Solomon, an incredibly aged, incredibly wise antiques dealer, who has come, almost out of retirement ('You must have looked up my name in a very old telephone book'), to give a price for the furniture. From then on Solomon weaves through the play, part comic relief, part dramatic contrast, always amusing, always apt.

But at last the surgeon arrives. This is the nub of the play-now the questions have to be asked and answered, and Miller does not flinch from this. (A stranger who saw the play out of town sent me a postcard suggesting that it might be called 'Ploys in the Attic,' and there is justice in the quip.)

Of course, things are not quite what they seem. The two brothers, lunging at each other with sibling wrath, turn motives and facts upside down and inside out, as they dance a psychological quadrille for the delectation of the audience. Who was really in the wrong: the loser or the winner?

It is, as I suggest, good theater. It is not, however, very serious theater. Miller's confrontation is too rigged, too pat, We are asked to believe too much, and the characters are paper-thin. Even the motivation of the story is flimsy, and will bear little surveillance.

The details of the story are extraordinarily clumsy-we have to believe such things that a man might be expected to live on the interest of $4,000 (even in 1936 this would be modest), or that a man could not work his way through college and still support his father, or that a favorite son would not know of his father's financial depositions even after his death, or that a man's brother, a famous surgeon living in the same town, could have a nervous breakdown for three years and yet he would not even hear about it. I doubt such things.

I doubt also the language of these people, for Miller has them breathing the dust of the theater rather than the air of the streets. Phrases such as 'What's it all about!' or 'It won't be solved in a day, Esther' or 'Are we both running away from the same thing' are pure fustian. At the end I felt I had been treated to an extraordinarily diverting show, which was excellent of its kind, but a kind that is itself of less than first importance.

Swap magic 3 8 ps2 isos. The direction by Ulu Grosbard and the acting of the cast are deliberately powerful-it calls for a style of acting that hits every point home hard and it gets it.

Miller has provided four wonderfully meaty parts for his cast, and they eat them up with proper gratitude. Pat Hingle, baffled and ruffled, is fine as the cop, and the cutting edge of Arthur Kennedy's surgeon makes the perfect counterpart. Even physically these two men make a splendid contrast. As Mr. Hingle's wife, Kate Reid provides a lovely portrait of a wife, very human in her mixture of good and bad, and gets the very most out of the play's best conceived role.

Finally, walking around Boris Aronson's marvelously evoked setting, itself a tour de force, is Harold Gary as the antiques dealer, who is very funny, and even more lovable. This is one of the best and one of the best-balanced casts on Broadway.

The label of Arthur Miller is not always an easy one for a play to bear-it raises certain expectations. Go expecting to see a play and perhaps 'The Price' might disappoint you. Go expecting a great evening in the theater, and it does, I think, emphatically deliver the goods.

Arthur Miller

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by Arthur Miller

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'Arthur Miller's deeply moving drama reunites two long estranged middle - aged brothers. Nostalgia and recrimination erupt as they sell of an attic full of furniture, their last link to a family and a world that no longer exist.' -- container.
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The price or the value--what is most important to learn. The play occurs as one son who has given up his dreams to be a scientist stays home, resentfully, to take care of his father while his brother becomes a successful surgeon on the other coast. After the death of the father, Victor decides to sell the furniture and an 89year old dealer Gregory Solomon played by David Suchet arrives. Brendan Coyle (Mr. Bates in Downton) plays the successful son (but he was not on stage when I saw it in April with the Shakespeare Tour group) but he arrives just as the deal is about to be completed. Suchet's role makes the play! ( )
flashflood42 | Jun 14, 2019 |
Is it still a spoiler alert when the book is 50 years old? Spoiler Alert!
I can’t comprehend why the average rating for this play is so low! This is easily a solid four star or higher if the reader is good with visualization and even higher when viewed if this play is properly produced and acted with all the antiques on stage.
Set in “Today” which is roughly 1968 as the play was published then, two brothers meet again after being estranged for 16 years, when their father died. Their family’s old building (now owned by their uncle) is being demolished, and the fifty-year-old younger brother Victor is arranging to have their parents’ old furniture and belongings sold. The stage is filled with luxurious items of the bygone Roaring 20’s. Act One addresses primarily the wheeling and dealing between Victor, a straight-shooter policeman, who just wants to know “The Price” that the antique/furniture dealer, Solomon, is willing to offer him. Solomon, at age 89, is negotiating to maximize this last score as his final hurrah. Much of Victor and his wife Esther’s present situation is revealed. Act One ends with the older brother, Walter, a successful surgeon walking in as Solomon was handing over the money after having finalized on the Price. Act Two focuses on the baggage of the family history, with Victor and Walter revealing the weighty past, traumatized by the Great Depression. The helpless Solomon tries to savage his deal; Esther attempts to dampen the deep anger that Victor carries toward Walter while securing the best financial outcome for her family. The conclusion is unknown until the last moments – regarding both the relationship of the brothers and the deal of the family relics. I suspect some of the low ratings is driven by the ending which in these types of plays is often debatable. I for one think it’s legitimate.
In this formidable play that covered a mere hour or two, Miller addressed multiple themes that remain relevant even today, 50 years later.
Life Decisions and the Sandwich Generation:
This topic is the crux of the story. The family wealth has collapsed. Walter was hell bent on finishing his medical degree, “come hell or highwater”. Victor pitied father, leaving college, to join the police force supporting father and his young family, always sacrificing in favor of father along the way. Victor feels Walter abandoned the family, but turns out Walter knew more about father that he couldn’t say then, resulting in brother against brother, with the surprising agitator being the father.
The Great Depression and its demoralizing effects:
The father was humiliated after losing it all, never leaving the house, not taking inferior job, not taking welfare either – the curse of pride. The paralyzing effects of a ‘lifetime’ failure can leave a person to live a frozen life, as the father did, and even worse alienating his sons from each and other, just to protect himself.
As much as the 89-year-old dealer wants that last amazing transaction, what he wanted more is to be relevant, to have a reason to get out of bed, to have something to do. Securing the deal represented more than the opportunity of money, it was his identity at stake.
Career and Climbing the Ladder:
Walter, in his quest to be the best, sacrificed aspects of his life. Possibly, he is compensating his family’s financial failures without realizing his choices.
“…You start out wanting to be the best, and there’s no question that you do need a certain fanaticism; there’s so much to know and so little time. Until you’ve eliminated everything extraneous – he smiles – including people… You become an instrument, an instrument that cuts money out of people, or fame out of the world. And it finally makes you stupid. Power can do that…”
Material Goods:
The luxurious furniture is no longer wanted by the kids, not befitting the ‘current’ lifestyle. I was surprised to read what I view as the current Ikea lifestyle was already in place 50 years ago.
“There is a rich heaviness, something almost Germanic, about the furniture, a weight of time upon the bulging fronts and curving chests marshalled against the walls. The room is monstrously crowded and dens, and it is difficult to decide if the stuff is impressive or merely over-heavy and ugly.”
Retail Therapy:
The world has become more materialistic over the years. These words are spot-on.
“What is the key word today? Disposable. The more you can throw it away the more it’s beautiful. The car, the furniture, the wife, the children – everything has to be disposable. Because you see the main thing today is – shopping. Years ago a person, he was unhappy, didn’t know what to do with himself – he’d go to church, start a revolution – something. Today you’re unhappy? Can’t figure it out? What is the salvation? Go shopping.” ( )
varwenea | Aug 21, 2018 |
This play was well written and is interesting to read to find out what was the siblings' grudges and rivalry. Each had their own and different perception of their father especially after their fathers downfall during the Great Depression. One brother strove to become a successful doctor and the other put aside his dream in science and became a policeman and took care of his father. Was this a case of morality or conscience? This question and the choices and perceptions of each brother can serve as a classroom discussion and lesson. ( )
lvelazqu2000 | May 21, 2008 |
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Is contained in

Best American Plays: 7th Series, 1967-1973 by Clive Barnes
Collected Plays by Arthur Miller(indirect)
Miller Plays 2: The Misfits / After the Fall / Incident at Vichy / The Price / The Creation of the World and Other Business / Playing for Time by Arthur Miller
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'Arthur Miller's deeply moving drama reunites two long estranged middle - aged brothers. Nostalgia and recrimination erupt as they sell of an attic full of furniture, their last link to a family and a world that no longer exist.' -- container.

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