Beck Youth Inventory™(BYI-II) The 5 Beck Youth Inventoriescan be used separately or in combination to assess self- concept and symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, and disruptive behavior. Beck Anxiety Inventory 1 Beck Anxiety Inventory Below is a list of common symptoms of anxiety. Please carefully read each item in the list. Indicate how much you have been bothered by that symptom during the past month, including today, by circling the number in the corresponding space in the column next to each symptom. Not At All Mildly but it.
Test was developed in 2001 by Judith Beck, Aaron Beck, John Jolly, and Robert Steer. The purpose of this psychological testing tool is a brief self-report to measure the distress in children and adolescents (Flanagan & Henington, 2005).
The Beck Youth Inventory includes using five self-administered scales. The five tests include the Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Anger Inventory, Beck Disruptive Inventory, and the Beck Self-Concept Inventory. These tests can be administered individually or in combination to the youth. The intended population for this test is ages 7-14 years (Flanagan & Henington, 2005).
This test is used to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior, and self esteem (Beck, 2001). The Beck Depression Inventory measures depression criteria as evidenced in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The Beck Anxiety Inventory assesses childhood fears related to health and school (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The Beck Anger Inventory appraises the individual’s opinion of mistreatment, negative thoughts, and physiological arousal (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The Beck Disruptive Behavior Inventory measures behaviors and attitudes related to oppositional and defiant behavior (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). This is consistently seen in youth diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder. Lastly, the Beck Self-Concept Inventory assesses feelings of self-worth and competence (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The theory of the Beck Youth Inventory Test was derived from the adult Beck Scales (Beck, 2001). The authors of this testing instrument saw a need for this.
Only individually in order to encourage honest responses and not have any peer influences (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). Overall, the Beck Youth Inventory is a useful tool, but should be used in conjunction with other assessment instruments.
- Beck, J. (2001, November). New Scales for Children: The Beck Youth Inventory. The Beck Institute, 1-5. Copyright 1999-2007. Beck, J. (2001).
- Beck Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents (2nd ed.). PsychCorp: Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Flanagan, R., & Henington, C. (2005).
- Review of the Beck Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents: Second Edition. Mental Measurements Yearbook, 18, 18123501 Trochim, W. (2006).
- Reliability and Validity: What’s the Difference?. Retrieved February 8, 2010, from http://socialresearch
The BYI is a 100-item self-report measure comprising five self-report inventories that can be used separately or in combination to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behaviour, and self-concept.

The five BYI are:
1) The Beck Depression Inventory for Youth (BDI-Y)
2) The Beck Anxiety Inventory for Youth (BAI-Y)
3) The Beck Anger Inventory for Youth (BANI-Y)
4) The Beck Disruptive Inventory for Youth (BDBI-Y)
5) The Beck Self-Concept Inventory for Youth (BSCI-Y).
Each inventory contains 20 questions about thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with emotional and social impairment. Children and young people describe how frequently a statement has been true for them over the past two weeks.
Psychometric properties

Property | Definition | BYI |
Reliability | Degree to which respondents in a similar sample had similar scores. | No information at present. |
Test-retest reliability | The degree to which similar items within a scale correlate with each other. | The BYI shows good to excellent internal consistency, with (alpha) coefficients ranging from 0.86 to 0.96 (Measure Profile, 2012). |
Concurrent validity | Degree to which the same respondents have the same score after period of time when trait shouldn’t have changed | Test re-test reliability correlation coefficients have been found to range between 0.74 to 0.93 (Measure Profile, 2012). |
Discriminant validity | Inverse correlation with opposite concepts | The BYI demonstrates good discriminant validity, and has been found to reliably discriminate between internalising disorders, with the exception of depression (Measure Profile, 2012). |
The BYI is to be completed by children and young people aged 7-18 years old.
The BYI is available in English, Danish, French and Polish.
The BYI is a paper-pencil format so the child/young person can complete this on paper or it can be verbally administered if necessary.
Raw scores
• Add scores from Items 1-20 for the total BSCI-Y score.
• Add scores from Items 21-40 for the total BAI-Y score.
• Add scores from Items 41-60 for the total BDI-Y score.
• Add scores from Items 61-80 for the total BANI-Y score.
• Add scores from Items 81-100 for the total BDBI-Y score.
Raw scores are translated into T-scores assigned by age and gender:
• Females 7-10 years old, 11-14 years old, 15-18 years old
• Males 7-10 years old, 11-14 years old, 15-18 years old.
You can use the tables in Appendix A - Tables for Beck Youth Inventories (p.246) to convert raw scores into T-scores.
T-scores for BYI are as follows:
• 55 or less = average
• 55-59 = mildly elevated
• 60-69 = moderately elevated
• 70+ = extremely elevated
Terms of use

Purchase the BYI manual, kit and/or booklets.
Beck Youth Inventory Free Pdf
Beck Youth Inventory Pdf Free
Measure Profile: Beck Youth Inventories (BYI). (2012). Retrieved from: