Track20 develops tools that help partners- at both the country and global level- make more strategic, data-based decisions. Brief descriptions of some of Track20’s most popular tools are below. Detailed information and access to each tool is available on the individual tool pages.

McAfee Stinger is a standalone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. It’s not a substitute for full antivirus protection, but a specialized tool to assist. The McAfee Consumer Products Removal tool allows you to remove McAfee consumer products in the event that they become damaged or are unable to uninstall properly through the Windows control panel.
The Family Planning Estimation Tool (FPET) is a web application that uses all available survey data to develop annual estimates of mCPR, unmet need, and demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods beyond the date of the last survey and into the future. FPET can be used at the national and sub-national level. Service statistics can also be incorporated into the estimation process by inputting the Estimated Modern Use (EMU) indicator, which is generated through the SS to EMU Tool.
The FPET Training Module is an on-line resource that can be used by individual learners to self-teach the material, or by educators to create a curriculum around FPET and the use of predictive modeling to monitor family planning programs. The module includes a variety of PowerPoint presentations and accompanying detailed speaker's notes, instructional videos, practice exercises, and resources that can be combined to fit the user’s needs and time frame.
The Service Statistics to Estimated Modern Use (SS to EMU) tool converts a country’s own service statistics data into Estimated Modern Use (EMU), a service statistics-based indicator that can be used to track population-level changes in contraceptive use at regional, national, and cross-national levels. The EMU can be used as input FPET to introduce service statistics into the annual estimation process.
The FP2020 Core Calculator 1-9 is an Excel-based calculator that produces estimates of 9 FP2020 Core Indicators for any of the FP2020 countries for the period 2012- 2020, based on UNPD population data and some country-specific data entered by the user.
FP Goals is an innovative model designed to improve strategic planning. FP Goals combines demographic data, family planning program information, and evidence of the effectiveness of diverse interventions to help decision-makers set realistic goals and prioritize investments across different family planning interventions.
The FP Goals Lite tool uses available family planning data to illustrate how initiating or scaling up different interventions might affect a country’s modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) among all women of reproductive age. This tool is meant to provide a quick glance at results based on select interventions. It does not replace the more robust results you would get from a full application of FP Goals
The Maximum CPR Tool allows policy makers, family planning advocates, and individuals to determine a country’s highest potential contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR), both in terms of use for spacing and for limiting, based on an ideal number of children and key demographic life events. Understanding the highest potential level of CPR achievable under current circumstances in a population leads to realistic expectations and appropriate policy implementation.

Mcpr Tool Download Mcafee
The Potential Market of Self-Injectable Contraceptive Users Model is an Excel-based tool developed to estimate the number of potential self-injectable contraceptive users annually in FP2020 countries through 2030. The Excel-based model also generates annual estimates of mCPR, total modern contraceptive users, and number of women of reproductive age distributed across self-injectable contraceptive use, IM injectable contraceptive use, short-term method use, long-term method use, and non-users. The model allows users to manipulate key parameters that will impact the projections and displays results for three scenarios that incorporate factors related to policies, capacity, and current injectable contraceptive use.
Mcpr Tool Silent
The mCPR Impact Tool estimates impacts of declines in mCPR due to pandemics like COVID-19, natural disasters, and complex emergencies, which can reduce access to contraception and contribute to declines in contraceptive use. Developed to support advocacy for continued focus on supply of services & commodities in times of unrest, the tool illustrates the impacts of declines in mCPR on important reproductive health outcomes such as unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and maternal deaths.