Midi Files Cinderella

'Cinderella' MIDI File in the style of Steven Curtis Chapman. To hear the demo, press the PLAY button. To add to cart, click the MIDI or MP3 button. When you download both MIDI File and MP3 (where available), you get a bonus discount on the Mp3 backing track.

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Artist: Lionel Richie, Song Title: Cinderella, Type: Midi File, Format.MID, Delivery: Download, Length: 3:47. This page contains information about the Midi file 'CINDERELLA MEDLEY 2.mid'. Please note that neither the original file nor the mp3 file resulting from the conversion are available for download from this server. Cinderella was composed by Chapman Steven Curtis and produced as a backing track for Hit Trax by The MIDI Karaoke Backing Tracks Production Team. The music genre and style category for this MIDI File backing track is Hits of the 2000's. Cinderella is available in the following song file formats: MIDI Karaoke and MP3 Backing Track.

Cinderella | MIDI File | Steven Curtis Chapman

'Cinderella' MIDI File Backing Track. Cinderella is a song recorded by award-winning christian artist, Steven Curtis Chapman of The United States. Cinderella was composed by CHAPMAN STEVEN CURTIS. This is a professional MIDI File production with karaoke lyrics, compatible with GM, GS and XG devices. Distributed by © Hit Trax. AMCOS licensed and royalty paid.


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Cinderella Midi Files

Song Elements
  • HT5476
  • Key: B b major
IncludesMidi Files Cinderella
  • MIDI File with Lyrics
  • Karaoke MIDI
  • MIDI Melody

Midi Files Cinderella Full

  • Popularity

Cinderella (style of) Steven Curtis Chapman Video by Hit Trax

Cinderella MIDI File backing track. Hit Trax Professional MIDI Files are compatible with GM devices such as Roland, Yamaha, Korg, Merish, and Okyweb. MIDI Files can be edited and customised using apps like Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Cubase, GarageBand, Bandlab, FL Studio, and StudioOne.