- Octet-stream Base64
- Application/octet-stream Base64
- Octet Stream To Base64 Java
- Octet Stream Vs Base64
- Octet-stream Base64
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Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. The term Base64 originates from a specific MIME content transfer encoding.
- Octet bitstream; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F; 00: 0: 1: 10: 11: 100: 101: 110: 111: 1000: 1001: 1010: 1011: 1101: 1101: 1110: 1111: 10: 10000: 10001: 10010: 10011.
- PDF Blob is returned as octet-stream which I can't convert to Base64. Closed BirudVora opened this issue Jul 17, 2019 4 comments Closed.
Octet-stream Base64
Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with textual data. This is to ensure that the data remain intact without modification during transport. Base64 is commonly used in a number of applications including email via MIME, and storing complex data in XML.
Check here for Base64 Decode Explanation

or check our knowledgebase about Base64 encoding
Base64 encode your data without hassles or decode it into a human-readable format. Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data, especially when that data needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with text.
The DICOM Value Representation (VR) is included in each DICOM JSON Model attribute object and named 'vr'. For example:
The JSON encoding of an Attribute shall use the JSON Data Type corresponding to the DICOM Value Representations in Table F.2.3-1. The JSON encodings shall conform to the Definition, Character Repertoire (if applicable) and Length of Value specified for that DICOM Value Representation (see Section 6.2 “Value Representation (VR)” in PS3.5) with the following exceptions:

Attributes with a Value Representation of AT shall be restricted to eight character uppercase hexadecimal representation of a DICOM Tag
Application/octet-stream Base64
Table F.2.3-1. DICOM VR to JSON Data Type Mapping
Octet Stream To Base64 Java
VR Name | Type | JSON Data Type |
AE | Application Entity | String |
AS | Age String | String |
AT | Attribute Tag | String |
CS | Code String | String |
DA | Date | String |
DS | Decimal String | Number or String See note. |
DT | Date Time | String |
FL | Floating Point Single | Number |
FD | Floating Point Double | Number |
IS | Integer String | Number or String See note. |
LO | Long String | String |
LT | Long Text | String |
OB | Other Byte | Base64 encoded octet-stream |
OD | Other Double | Base64 encoded octet-stream |
OF | Other Float | Base64 encoded octet-stream |
OL | Other Long | Base64 encoded octet-stream |
OV | Other 64-bit Very Long | Base64 encoded octet-stream |
OW | Other Word | Base64 encoded octet-stream |
PN | Person Name | Object containing Person Name component groups as strings (see Section F.2.2) |
SH | Short String | String |
SL | Signed Long | Number |
SQ | Sequence of Items | Array containing DICOM JSON Objects |
SS | Signed Short | Number |
ST | Short Text | String |
SV | Signed 64-bit Very Long | Number or String See Note. |
TM | Time | String |
UC | Unlimited Characters | String |
UI | Unique Identifier (UID) | String |
UL | Unsigned Long | Number |
UN | Unknown | Base64 encoded octet-stream |
UR | Universal Resource Identifier or Universal Resource Locator (URI/URL) | String |
US | Unsigned Short | Number |
UT | Unlimited Text | String |
UV | Unsigned 64-bit Very Long | Number or String. See Note. |
Octet Stream Vs Base64
Octet-stream Base64
For IS, DS, SV and UV, a JSON String representation can be used to preserve the original format during transformation of the representation, or if needed to avoid losing precision of a decimal string.
Although data, such as dates, are represented in the DICOM JSON model as strings, it is expected that they will be treated in the same manner as the original attribute as defined by Chapter 6 in PS3.6.