Permute 3

  • 接下来,说一下permute ,函数的参数为新的维度顺序,例如想交换第一维与第三维的index,则tensor.permute (2,1,0),同样举一个简单第二维与第三维的例子,.
  • Following this algorithm, the next lexicographic permutation will be 1,3,2,4, and the 24th permutation will be 4,3,2,1 at which point ak 3 comparisons and 1.5 swaps per permutation, amortized over the whole sequence, not counting the initial sort.
  • Evalute the permutation 6 P 3 A permutation is a way to order or arrange a set or number of things The formula for a combination of choosing r ways from n possibilities is: n P r = n! Where n is the number of items and r is the number of arrangements. Plugging in our numbers of n = 6 and r = 3 into the permutation formula.
  • Apr 29, 2021 PDF Support – Permute 3 now includes support for stitching multiple images into a single PDF. Everything Included – It doesn’t matter if you’re converting home movies or processing images. Permute can do it all. We support nearly every format and have plenty of device presets to choose from.

Permute 3.4.7 Video, audio and image files come in many different kinds and shapes, but sometimes you need a specific format since your iPad or DVD player won’t play that video. That is what Permute is for – easily convert your media files to various different formats.


Permutations, nPr =
(6 - 2)!
= 30
Combinations, nCr =
2! × (6 - 2)!
= 15

RelatedProbability Calculator | Sample Size Calculator

Permutations and combinations are part of a branch of mathematics called combinatorics, which involves studying finite, discrete structures. Permutations are specific selections of elements within a set where the order in which the elements are arranged is important, while combinations involve the selection of elements without regard for order. A typical combination lock for example, should technically be called a permutation lock by mathematical standards, since the order of the numbers entered is important; 1-2-9 is not the same as 2-9-1, whereas for a combination, any order of those three numbers would suffice. There are different types of permutations and combinations, but the calculator above only considers the case without replacement, also referred to as without repetition. This means that for the example of the combination lock above, this calculator does not compute the case where the combination lock can have repeated values, for example 3-3-3.


The calculator provided computes one of the most typical concepts of permutations where arrangements of a fixed number of elements r, are taken from a given set n. Essentially this can be referred to as r-permutations of n or partial permutations, denoted as nPr, nPr, P(n,r), or P(n,r) among others. In the case of permutations without replacement, all possible ways that elements in a set can be listed in a particular order are considered, but the number of choices reduces each time an element is chosen, rather than a case such as the 'combination' lock, where a value can occur multiple times, such as 3-3-3. For example, in trying to determine the number of ways that a team captain and goal keeper of a soccer team can be picked from a team consisting of 11 members, the team captain and the goal keeper cannot be the same person, and once chosen, must be removed from the set. The letters A through K will represent the 11 different members of the team:

A B C D E F G H I J K 11 members; A is chosen as captain

B C D E F G H I J K 10 members; B is chosen as keeper

As can be seen, the first choice was for A to be captain out of the 11 initial members, but since A cannot be the team captain as well as the goal keeper, A was removed from the set before the second choice of the goal keeper B could be made. The total possibilities if every single member of the team's position were specified would be 11 × 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × ... × 2 × 1, or 11 factorial, written as 11!. However, since only the team captain and goal keeper being chosen was important in this case, only the first two choices, 11 × 10 = 110 are relevant. As such, the equation for calculating permutations removes the rest of the elements, 9 × 8 × 7 × ... × 2 × 1, or 9!. Thus, the generalized equation for a permutation can be written as:

nPr =
(n - r)!

Or in this case specifically:

11P2 =
(11 - 2)!
= 11 × 10 = 110

Again, the calculator provided does not calculate permutations with replacement, but for the curious, the equation is provided below:

nPr = nr

Permute 3


Combinations are related to permutations in that they are essentially permutations where all the redundancies are removed (as will be described below), since order in a combination is not important. Combinations, like permutations, are denoted in various ways including nCr, nCr, C(n,r), or C(n,r), or most commonly as simply
. As with permutations, the calculator provided only considers the case of combinations without replacement, and the case of combinations with replacement will not be discussed. Using the example of a soccer team again, find the number of ways to choose 2 strikers from a team of 11. Unlike the case given in the permutation example, where the captain was chosen first, then the goal keeper, the order in which the strikers are chosen does not matter, since they will both be strikers. Referring again to the soccer team as the letters A through PermuteK, it does not matter whether A and then Permute 3B or

Permute 3.4

B and then A are chosen to be strikers in those respective orders, only that they are chosen. The possible number of arrangements for all n people, is simply n!, as described in the permutations section. To determine the number of combinations, it is necessary to remove the redundancies from the total number of permutations (110 from the previous example in the permutations section) by dividing the redundancies, which in this case is 2!. Again, this is because order no longer matters, so the permutation equation needs to be reduced by the number of ways the players can be chosen, A then B or B then A, 2, or 2!. This yields the generalized equation for a combination as that for a permutation divided by the number of redundancies, and is typically known as the binomial coefficient:
nCr =
r! × (n - r)!

Or in this case specifically:

11C2 =
2! × (11 - 2)!
2! × 9!
= 55

It makes sense that there are fewer choices for a combination than a permutation, since the redundancies are being removed. Again for the curious, the equation for combinations with replacement is provided below:

nCr =
(r + n -1)!
r! × (n - 1)!
摘 要

7 Permute 3

相信很多知友们在寻找一款音视频格式转换器的时候,希望它是全能型的,这样任何格式的音视频都能转换和被转换。Permute for Mac就是这样一款不错的macOS媒体转换器,易于使用且疯狂快速,喜欢的知友快来试试吧!

所属分类:大小50M-100M视频编辑系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.11或更高版本大小:64.39MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解最后更新:2021年04月30日


Permute 3 Mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款易用的媒体格式转换工具,支持视频音乐和图像的格式转换,通过拖拽支持批量格式转换,支持常见的视频。音乐和图像格式,如图片支持PNG、JPEG、TIFF,音乐支持AAC、MP3、WAV、M4A等,转换速度也很快,非常的好用!
Permute 3 for Mac破解版功能介绍
视频,音频和图像文件有很多不同的种类和形状,但有时您需要特定的格式,因为您的iPad或DVD播放机不会播放该视频。这就是Permute的用途 - 轻松将您的媒体文件转换为各种不同的格式。
Permute 3从头开始 - 全新的项目,一切都从头开始。它包含许多新功能,并且通过许多每次转换自定义改进了整个工作流程。
Permute 3 for Mac破解版功能特色
易于使用 - 从头开始构建,Permute是Mac应用程序的完美示例。凭借华丽的界面和拖放简单,无需复杂的选项。
疯狂快速 - Permute设计得非常快。让我们来处理困难的事情。只需选择您想要的视频格式,它就会比您说的“硬件加速”更快地完成 - MP4和HEVC预设现在可以充分利用您机器的硬件加速能力,比先前版本的Permute加速HEVC转换3倍以上!
PDF支持 - Permute 3现在支持将多个图像拼接成单个PDF。
包含的一切 - 如果您正在转换家庭电影或处理图像并不重要。Permute可以做到这一切。我们支持几乎所有格式,并有大量的设备预设可供选择。
看起来很神奇 - 无论你是否使用暗模式,Permute看起来都很神奇。利用现代技术,Permute甚至可以在黑暗模式下更改其图标。
保持计划 - 视频重新编码对计算机资源要求很高。这就是为什么您现在可以安排Permute转换视频,例如在您不使用计算机的夜晚。
还有更多! - Permute还有许多其他强大的功能 - 调整视频中音频文件或音轨的音量。批量调整大小,旋转和翻转图像和视频。和更多!


Video, audio and image files come in many different kinds and shapes, but sometimes you need a specific format since your iPad or DVD player won't play that video. That is what Permute is for - easily convert your media files to various different formats.
Key Features

  • Easy to Use - built from the ground up, Permute is a perfect example of what a Mac app should be. With a gorgeous interface and drag & drop simplicity no need for complicated options.
  • Insanely Fast - Permute was engineered to be incredibly fast. Let us take care of the hard stuff. Just select the video format you want and it’ll be done faster than you can say “hardware acceleration” - MP4 and HEVC presets now take advantage of your machine's hardware acceleration capabitlities, speeding up HEVC conversions more than 3 times over previous versions of Permute!
  • PDF Support - Permute 3 now includes support for stitching multiple images into a single PDF.
  • Everything Included - It doesn’t matter if you’re converting home movies or processing images. Permute can do it all. We support nearly every format and have plenty of device presets to choose from.
  • Looks Amazing - Whether you use dark mode or not, Permute will look amazing. Taking advantage of the modern technologies, Permute will even change its icon in dark mode.
  • Keep the Schedule - Video re-encoding is quite demanding on computer resources. This is why you can now schedule Permute to convert videos e.g. at night when you're not using your computer.
  • And so much more! - There are so many other great features in Permute - adjust volume of an audio file or an audio track in a video. Batch-resize, rotate and flip images and videos. And more!
  • Completely Rewritten – Permute 3 was started from scratch - completely new project, everything written from the ground up again.
  • UI Redesign – the UI has been redesigned from the ground up. It’s faster, more fluent and visually pleasing.
  • Dark Mode – Permute now works 100% with the dark mode, even adjusting its Dock icon based on your macOS theme.
  • Image Stitching – Stitch images together into a PDF.
  • HEVC (H.265) Hardware Acceleration – HEVC (H.265) video encoding now supports hardware acceleration, resulting in conversions more than twice as fast.
  • Scheduled Conversions - Schedule delayed conversion start.
  • Groups – Put files into groups and set different settings for different groups.
  • Customizations – Customize settings on a per-group basis without modifying the preset.
  • Multiple Subtitles – Add or copy multiple subtitle tracks from the source file.
  • ... and many, many other minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.6.3:
  • New: APNG preset.
  • New: Endianness setting for PCM format.
  • Improved: Preset settings are now scrollable.
  • Improved: When Permute is called as an automation with a callback, the callback is now called under all circumstances and error messages are suppressed.
  • Fixed: Issue where PDF to Images module would produce wrong orientation of the page.




“M1芯片”的请按此教程设置:Apple Silicon M1 应用安装后运行闪退、打不开,点我直达!

'Permute 3' Mac历史版本


Permute 3 for Mac 3.6.2(build 2410) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.6.1(build 2405) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.16(build 2338) 破解版[网盘密码:zhinin] Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.15(build 2336) 破解版[网盘密码:zhinin] Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.14(build 2333) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.13(build 2330) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.11(build 2322) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.9(build 2317) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.8(build 2312) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.7(build 2310) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.6(build 2306) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.5(build 2305) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.4(build 2300) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.3(build 2295) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.2(build 2290) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5.1(build 2287) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.5(build 2281) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.12(build 2270) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.11(build 2268) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.10(build 2266) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.8(build 2259) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.7(build 2252) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.6(build 2249) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.4(build 2240) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.3(build 2238) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.2(build 2234) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4.1(build 2230) 破解版
Permute 3 for Mac 3.4(build 2224) 破解版

文件下载系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.11或更高版本大小:64.39MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片运行下载地址
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